

Efficacy & safety for improved Conventional Trans Arterial Chemoembolization (cTACE) mixing & delivery

Know more about mixture preparation recommendations (2)

• Anticancer drug should be first pushed towards the syringe containing Lipiodol®

• Anticancer drug volume should be lower than Lipiodol® volume, ideally 1 drug volume to 2 Lipiodol® volumes
• Vigorous mixing of Lipiodol® & anticancer drug via the stopcock

Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid may be associated with various anticancer drugs

Anticancer drugs that may be associated with Lipiodol ® Ultra Fluid*
Cisplatin Doxorubicin Epirubicin Mitomycin

*The instructions and precautions for use relating to anticancer drugs must be strictly followed

Features and benefits 

Lipiodol® resistant & Unbreakable

Safety Closed system to reduce risks of leakage(3) 
SwiftnessNo devices break & no devices change

Ergonomic & User-Friendly
•Syringe back stop
• Rotary finger grip
• Optimized-handling

Safety No syringe pull-back & no liquids projection
Accuracy Easy-to-handle & sharp
Swiftness Easy-to-mix & easy-to-inject
Convenience Ready-to-use

• Unique 3-way 4 Ports stopcock
• Ports safe-guards
• Closed system

Safety Reduced risks of infection, air injection, leaks(3)
Swiftness less connection mistakes & no disconnection time
Convenience On-table Mixing & optimized injection control


• Withdraw Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid and anticancer drug into the 2 mixing syringes
• Connect the mixing syringes to the 4 ports 3 way stopcock
• Anticancer drug should be first pushed towards the syringe containing Lipiodol®



• Perform 20 vigorous back & forth movements to obtain an homogeneous mixture

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• Connect stopcock to the microcatheter
• Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid + anticancer drug mixture ready to inject
• Possibility of remixing, refill within closed system (on-table mixing)


Vectorio Compounds

Vectorio compounds

Function of Vectorio® has been validated for resistance to Lipiodol® up to 24h(1)

A & B 20 mL mixing syringes (x2)
Particle filter for Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid withdrawal (x1)
Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid ampoule withdrawing straw (x1)
E Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid vial spike (x1)
3-way stopcock with 4 connections (x1)
Connector (x1)
1 mL injection syringe (x1)
3 mL injection syringe (x1)

The system does not contain:

  • Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid ampule or vial
  • Anticancer drug
  • Microcatheter
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A & B: Mixing syringes (20 mL) – Design Aim – Making multiple mixes easy & safe

C: Particle filter for withdrawing Lipiodol®

Design Aim – Easy & safe to perform preparation

F: 3-way stopcock with 4 connections-(Patented) – Design Aim – Easy & safe to perform operation

Raw materials – Strong & Resistant for cTACE use

G: Double female connector

Design Aim – Easy & safe to perform preparation

H & I: 1 mL & 3 mL injection syringes – Design Aim- Making injection easy & safe


Education & Resources

Learn more


1.Test Report E17-41 (2017)

2.Thierry de Baere et al., Treatment of Liver Tumors with Lipiodol TACE: Technical Recommendations from Experts Opinion. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol,2016;39:334–343.

3.Internal Test Report E20-13 (2020)


HCC Treatment

Drakon CTA

DraKon™ Microcatheter
