40 years in Interventional Radiology

Guerbet celebrates

40 years in Interventional Radiology

Lipiodol® Ultra-Fluid
(Iodinated ethyl esters of fatty acids of poppy seed oil)

They tell us about their experience with Lipiodol®
in Interventional Radiology

Prof. Thierry De Baere

Prof Thierry de Baere
The beginning of my journey with Lipiodol®.


Dr David Benz (1)

Dr David Benz
Discover his experience from Switzerland to Australia.


Dr Yasuaki Arai (1)

Dr Yasuaki Arai
Shares his experience on getting cTACE approved for Japan which lead to worldwide approval.


Dr Aisaku Fukuda (1)

Dr Aisaku Fukuda
On why he still uses Lipiodol® after 45 year! HSG Focused.


Dr Simon Yu (1)

Dr Simon Yu
Shares his passion on research and education, and why he appreciates Lipiodol®.


Dr Richard Waugh

Dr Richard Waugh
Bought back new procedures from overseas to Australia. Hear how he uses Lipiodol®.


Prof Shin Ji Hoon

Prof. Shin Ji-Hoon
He has written over 230 SCI-level theses as lead author and Lipiodol® has been mentioned and used in more than 150 of them.


Prof. Tan Bien Soo

Prof. Tan Bien Soo
Shares his journey as an interventional radiologist and usage of Lipiodol® in his practice.


Prof. Chung Jin Wook

Prof. Chung Jin Wook
He’s been in interventional radiology for over 30 years. Hear how things has changed since then.


Guerbet celebrates its 40th anniversary
in Interventional Radiology

100 years ago, in 1921, Lipiodol® was the first iodinated contrast medium used in radiology worldwide.
A more memorable date for Guerbet Interventional Imaging was when, in 1982, 40 years ago, Guerbet revolutionized Interventional Radiology. The first transarterial treatment for liver cancer, using Lipiodol® and a cytotoxic drug mixture was performed in Japan. cTACE had just been invented.
Since that date, the development of Interventional Radiology has not ceased. Guerbet is one of the major players in this field and continues to develop solutions around the treatment of liver cancer and vascular embolization, with a range of medical drugs and devices enabling doctors globally to treat thousands of patients each day.

Marcel Guerbet

Invention of Lipiodol® by Dr Marcel Guerbet and Dr Laurent Lafay

Paris hospitals’ pharmacist, Marcel Guerbet, together with Dr. Laurent Lafay, created Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid, a drug having similar applications to iodine. Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid was the first chlorine-free iodinated oil created from poppyseed oil. Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid was used in a vast range of afflictions both in humans and animals, administered either by injection or orally.

Lipiodol Lafay

The first use of Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid for radiological diagnosis


The name
Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid
was registered


The value of Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid was explored in a trial by Drs. William and David Weir1

This early trial hypothesized that Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid had a mechanical flushing and oil iodine effect that
could lead to successful conception.


Lymphography Image (1)

1st use of Lipiodol® in Lymphangiography

Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid was first used for visualising the lymphatic system and quickly enjoyed global success
for lymphangiography3. This also led to another Guerbet product: Patent Blue V – essentially a blue dye injected to identify the lymph vessels.


Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid
used for the first time in
Interventional Radiology

Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid with cytotoxic drugs is used for the first time Transarterially in interventional radiology, performed by Prof. Toshimitsu Konno in Japan to treat liver cancer patients suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma4 (HCC).


Img 2017

The New England Journal of Medicine published the largest multicenter randomized trial on Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid HSG (hysterosalpingography), with 1,108 infertile women from the Netherlands6. Results showed a near 40% rate of ongoing pregnancy after a Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid HSG, 11% higher than using a water-based alternative.


Acquisition of Accurate Medical Therapeutics : portfolio expansion (DrakonTM & Sequre®)

The acquisition of Accurate Medical Therapeutics brought a unique microcatheter range to Guerbet, supporting optimal delivery of interventional radiology procedures including cTACE (along with tailored mixing system, Vectorio®). These medical device offerings significantly expanded Guerbet’s interventional imaging portfolio, starting a strategic business division within the company.

Img 2020

Established as a world leader in medical imaging, with a direct presence in US, Japan, Europe and South Korea, plus subsidiaries and distributors in over 80 countries. Guerbet employs more than 2,800 people, has a turnover of 712 million Euros, and devotes 10% of sales to R&D.

Lipiodol 100 Years

Guerbet celebrates a major milestone
in the use of Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid in
Radiology for 100 years

Approximately a quarter of a million patients with liver cancer are diagnosed with Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid
annually. Clinical literature reports that life can be extended by nearly four years following a cTACE procedure7. More than 1,000 patients benefit from Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid in radiology every single day.

Visline 1 4(Tabledemo)

In 2022, cTACE remains a
reference treatment for HCC8

To further support TACE and other
embolization procedures, Guerbet
expands its portfolio of Microcatheters
and guidewires.


1. WEIR WC, WEIR DR., Therapeutic value of salpingograms in infertility. Fertil Steril. 1951 Nov-Dec;2(6):514-22
2. Llavallol D y Grifé A., Salpingografia de la trompa de eustaquio. Anales O.R.L. Iber.-Amer. XVII, 1990; 45-55
3. R. Sheehan et al., 1961, The Use of Lymphography as a Diagnostic Method
4. DeMaeyer, EM., Lowenstein, FW., Thilly, CH., The Control of endemic goitre, World Health Organisation, Geneva, 1979
5. Toshimitsu Konno et al., Effect of Arterial Administration of High-molecular-weight Anticancer Agent SMANCS with Lipid Lymphographic Agent on Hepatoma : a Preliminary Report*. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol., 1983; Vol.19, No. 8, pp. 1053-1065.
6. Dreyer, K., et al., 2017. Oil-Based or Water-Based Contrast for Hysterosalpingography in Infertile Women. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(21), pp.2043-2052
7. Llovet J.M. Arterial embolisation or chemoembolisation versus symptomatic treatment in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a randomised controlled trial, The Lancet 2002; 359 : 1734-1739
8. Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan: JSH Consensus Statements and Recommendations 2021 Update. Kudo M., et al., Liver Cancer. 2021; 10:181–223.

Our Products


Drakon CTA

DraKon™ Microcatheter

Sequre CTA

SeQure® Microcatheter

Axession Banner


Vectorio CTA




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